Saturday, October 17, 2009

to bring you up to date.....again!!!!!

The blog has been silent for the past few days - well OK then, a week and a half!! the computer has been back in the computer hospital! It seems OK now but shush don't speak too soon!!!

Right, to recap on what's been happening in art y facts land.

Friday the 9th and Monday 12th were fiestas and so I had a lie-in and rested. Yes likely!! I actually caught up with the washing and ironing, tidied out my bedroom chest of drawers and discovered all those bit and bobs I thought I'd lost. You know the sort of thing... Bits of jewellery, earrings, purses - all those things you put in a safe place....

I live in boring but comfy flip-flops and occasionally in boots so I can't do a shoe watch but I do have pairs and pairs and pairs and pairs Ok maybe an exaggeration!!ha!ha! of earrings so here's an earring watch instead... (this one's for you Norah)

these are hand made iridescent blue green glass with what looks like a purple friendly plastic ball at the bottom - truly gorgeous

The Tuesday class ladies came to the Wednesday five hour monthly workshop instead and made an Egyptian flap book. This time after the ladies had swapped atc's...............

Carole and daughter CaroleD from USA, Erica, Christine camera battery suddenly went flat and so......

...the photo that should be here will be as soon as I get the disc from CaroleD possibly tonight

Then, later that night Melissa brought her cousin Natalie (holidaying here from Germany) to class

Melissa, Yaa, Mar, Natalie

and the girls continued with their albums while Natalie learnt heat embossing and marbling.

The Friday morning ladies arrived - Emma definitely vying for teacher's pet bringing with her camomile teabags this week - first week it was ginger biscuits!!!she is going to fit in really well!!!

Mu, Emma, Margaret

I explained briefly about mandala stamps and while the ladies set to work I made these two quick Christmas cards.

The weather has been horrible the last couple of days or so - grey, overcast and rainy and when I woke this morning to the usual bright sunshine I immediately felt so much better and my mood lifted about 500%.

I wandered out onto the balcony off my bedroom and took this photo looking up into the forest

and this one looking towards the sea which is just beyond the dip left of centre - before the foliage grew we could see the sea from here.

Now, for all those folk who have asked to see a photo of me at Victoria's wedding here it is.... da da!! drum roll....with my youngest son Jon

and I'll just slip in this one of my daughter Victoria with the adorable Jodie (Jon's girlfriend) This photo is for tights watch!!ha!ha!

In case you think I never publish any of my work on here any more well here are some journal pages that I have made in the last couple of weeks.

These two pages aren't finished as I had to find these photos and then "borrow"??? them from Facebook come back tomorrow as there will be something worth coming back for - promise.

Bye for now

1 comment:

thekathrynwheel said...

Ha ha! I like that - earring watch! You really have caught the journaling bug :-)