Friday, December 4, 2009

Bauble toppers

Another busy week with classes...

The Wednesday girls made bauble toppers...


Yaa, Maddie, Melissa, Alice

and then we made them again this morning...

Mu with her arachnid!!!

Q, Margaret, me, Ruth, Mu

and very likely they will be made again tomorrow.

And what have I made this week....well, truth be told nothing, nada, nought!

...but Sunday and Tuesday are fiestas when I am obliged to close the shop so maybe a little me time may just creep in.

I have been working on classes and workshops for next year and over the weekend, maybe even later today, the first three workshops will be published. I have hinted at what they contain and so booking will be necessary as lots of interest has already been shown.

I am now off for a pedicure as my feet just hate being enclosed in boots!
so Bye for now

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